Name, Degree: Paulina Feghali, PhD
Research Interest & Training: Paulina’s clinical and research interests broadly include pediatric neuropsychology, with particular interest neuropsychological functioning related to pediatric oncology (i.e., late-effects of treatment including chemotherapy, radiation, and bone marrow transplantation). Additional interests include the implications of inadequate sleep on cognition within pediatric populations. She plans to pursue board certification in clinical neuropsychology and sub-certification in pediatric neuropsychology and hopes to continue her career in academic medicine following her post-doctoral fellowship training.
Dissertation Title : "Emotion Regulation as a Mediator of the Sleep and Behavior Relationship in Youth"
Internship name / location : Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, St. Petersburg, Florida – Pediatric Neuropsychology/Consultation Liaison Track
Postdoc name / location: Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, St. Petersburg, Florida – Pediatric Neuropsychology Track
Presentations (full APA reference):
Feghali, P. T., Chiang, J. A., Whitaker, A. M., (2023, June). Socioeconomic status (SES) and sleep disturbances among patients with pediatric brain tumor (PBT). Poster accepted for the 2023 American Association of Clinical Neuropsychology Annual Conference in Washington DC.
Foard, E., Feghali, P. T., Frye, W., (2023, March). Examining Results and Incorporating Patient Voices from an Intensive Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Program for Youth with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois.
Mazzone, E., Feghali, P. T., Morales, N., Van Dyk, T. R., (2023, March). Age-Specific Sleep Moderators of the Relationship Between Emotion Dysregulation and Anxiety in Children and Adolescents. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois.
Chiang, J. A., Feghali, P. T., Saavedra, A., Whitaker, A. M., (2021, February). Sleep Disturbance and Executive Dysfunction in Patients with Pediatric Brain Tumor. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society conference, San Diego, CA.
Chiang, J. A., Saavedra, A., Feghali, P. T., Whitaker, A. M., (2021, February). Insufficient Sleep Duration and Adaptive Functioning Deficits in Patients with Pediatric Brain Tumor. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society conference, San Diego, CA.
Feghali, P. T., Iwamoto, B. L., Triplett, O. M., Van Dyk, T. R., (2021, April). Emotion Regulation Mediates the Relationship Between Sleep and Behavior in Youth. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Virtual.
Triplett, O. M., Feghali, P. T., Van Dyk, T. R. (2021, April). The Effect of Modifiable Health Behaviors on Pediatric Sleep Quality. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Virtual.
Krantz, M., Chan, N., Feghali, P., Sanner, C., Neece, C., Van Dyk, T. (2021, April). Understanding Sleep Difficulties Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder from Underserved Populations: Practical Considerations for Clinicians. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Virtual.
Rawal, B. M., Iwamoto, B. K., Feghali, P. T., Van Dyk, T. R. (2021, April). Depression and Anxiety as Mediators of the Sleep-Pain Relationship Among an Ethnically Diverse Sample. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Virtual.
Rizk, M. M., Rawal, B. M., Feghali, P.T., Vo, T. T., Halabian, T., Van Dyk, T. R. (2020, October). Prevalence of Physical Health Diagnoses in Youth Presenting for Polysomnography. Poster presented online at the Western Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Krantz, M. L., Feghali, P. T., Van Dyk, T. R., (2020, August). Stress Predicts Externalizing Behaviors Through Emotion Regulation Among Youth in a Clinical Sample. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
Boostrom, G. G., Hull, K. A., McGregor, H. A., Feghali, P. T., Neece, C. L., (2019, June). The Role of Therapeutic Process in an Adapted Behavioral Parent Training Program for Parents of Children with Developmental Delays. Symposium talk presented at the 143rd annual AAIDD Annual Conference, Twin Cities, MN.
Rizk, M., Alido, A., Miller, K., Bagnara, G., Feghali, P., & Cafferky, B. (2018, October). Parent Perception on Child Improvement post SOAR Treatment. Poster presented at the National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Kansas City, MO.
Chiang, J. A., Feghali, P. T., Saavedra, A., Whitaker, A. M. (2022). Effects of sleep disturbance on neuropsychological functioning in patients with pediatric brain tumor. Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 157(1), 129-135.
Feghali, P. T., Iwamoto, B. L., Triplett, O.M., Rockwood, N. J., Nelson, T.D., Van Dyk, T. R. (2023). Emotion Regulation Mediates the Relationship Between Sleep and Behavior in Youth. Frontiers in Sleep.
Publications under review:
Feghali, P. T., Rawal, B. M., Iwamoto, B. K., Triplett, O. M., Van Dyk, T. R., Anxiety and Depression as Mediators of the Sleep-Pain Relationship in Youth Presenting for Polysomnography. Manuscript under review.
Krantz, M. L., Feghali, P. T., Nelson, T., Van Dyk, T. R., Daily Stressors Predict Externalizing Behaviors Through Emotion Regulation in a Clinical Sample. Manuscript under review.